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Ready to adapt toys!

We are all ready to go for tomorrow's Toy Making Workshoppe! Thank you Northglenn High School teachers and students for helping us prepare at the school today for our big event!

For those of you who have signed up to volunteer at Northglenn High School, be sure to sign your waivers ahead of time and show up at 9:45am.

The high school is located at 601 W 100th Place Northglenn, CO 80260, park in the North parking lot nearest to the STEM building, and follow the Santa's Little Hackers signs into the building.


1. From I-25 exit 221, west on 104th Ave (.5 miles) to Huron St. 2. South (left) on Huron St (.3 miles) to Northglenn High School. 3. Northglenn High School is on the east side. Parking lot off of 102nd.

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