Santa's Little Hackers
Toy Factory Workshoppe
Santa needs help adapting toys for all the toy recipients.
Our toy factory events have ordinary people adapting, hacking, and changing toys to be accessible for all.
MaxMods’ 11th annual Santa’s Little Hackers
toy adapting event will be held on
Saturday, December 14, 2024 at Adams12 Five Star Schools - The Training Center, conveniently located just north of Denver, Colorado.
This is the link to register for our ticketed event. Tickets go live on November 1, 2024.
Tickets are all reserved at this time, but you can request to join the waitlist at the link above.
We cannot reserve blocks of tickets, and each attendee will need to sign up themselves so they can sign their waiver. ​
To ensure safety and focus during the event, we aren’t able to allow any children under 14 to volunteer. Volunteers ages 14 and up are welcome with a signed parental waiver, but unfortunately, we cannot accommodate younger children, nor do we provide childcare.
If you or your company are interested in sponsoring our event, please get in touch! Santa's Little Hackers runs 100% on donations and through community sponsorships.
Santa's Little Hackers is an annual event put on by MaxMods. MaxMods is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation chartered to 'make the world accessible for all' by identifying adaptations and modifications to make the world work for individuals living with disabilities.

Both of the names, MaxMods and Santa's Little Hackers, are trademarked names by our organization. Permission is not granted to use the names or images to conduct events, trainings or fundraisers without our prior consent.

Santa's Little Hackers 2014 event