What to expect at the Toy Making Workshoppe?
On Saturday, December 5, we will hold our Second Annual Santa's Little Hackers Toy Making Workshoppe. This is an event for us to come together and make toys for the kids and adults who will be receiving a switch adapted toy.
We will come together as a group with a variety of abilities and work together to make a very challenging task happen.
We need to make at least 300 switch adapted toys in 4 hours. This will require a very organized and disciplined factory automation line to complete the task.
Think "toy making factory line"
At our first annual event, we did not need to complete as many toys. We were able to have a more casual pace and training feel to the event.
Upon arrival, participants will be assigned a team to participate with. Your team will have specific tasks that must be completed for the toy making workshoppe to be successful. If any teams do not complete their tasks, the remaining teams will be delayed in their completion.
For those who attended last year, this is a departure from our first event. This is necessary in order to complete the toy volume we need to complete onsite.
Last year, we complete under 100 toys with 70 helpers in 6 hours.
This year, we need to complete over 300 toys with 100 helpers in 4 hours.
What about children?
Children, 10 - 14 years old, are welcome to participate with their parents. We use equipment that heats to 750° F, power tools, and sharp objects as part of the toy adaptation. As such, we can't allow children to participate unsupervised. A waiver must be signed for the child by the parent or legal guardian at the event.
Teenagers, 15 years old and up, are allowed to participate but must have a signed waiver from the parent or legal guardian before participating.
What should I wear?
We will be working so wear comfortable clothes you don't mind working in. Many may choose to wear something festive. This is up to you.
What should I bring?
For those with electronics skills, you are welcome to bring your soldering equipment and hand tools if you would like. We will have all the necessary tools onsite to complete the toy adaptation but we know engineers often prefer to bring their own tools with them.
What time should I arrive?
Please arrive at 945AM for registration.
How long should I stay?
We would love to have your participation for the full scheduled time. Food and drinks will be onsite so you can eat and snack in between your factory line duties.
Special skills:
If you have experience with onboard circuit board soldering or circuit board rework, please let us know in advance. We anticipate more complex toys this year than before and your skills are sorely needed.
If you have experience with hand sewing, please let us know. We will have many toys needed delicate sewing repairs after the toy adaptation is complete.
The toys are ready for you!

Thank you for volunteering to make the holidays special for some special kids and adults!
To sign up to join us, follow this link:eventbrite.com/e/santas-little-hackers-2015-toy-making-workshoppe-tickets-19349265173 (inactivated link)