Incredible First Event!
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! ~ Dr. Seuss
We set out to create toys for children and children in adult bodies, like our son, Max to have for the holidays. Max has always had a difficult time accessing the toys made for children his age. He's a boy with a great personality and humor that can't participate in the world around him because he's in a body that doesn't work for him to operate the way toys are made to.
We thought if Max needs these toys and we can make them, then surely there are other children who need the same. The price for any adapted equipment is astronomical. There's a surplus charge for simply being made accessible, or for the disabled community. We don't think this is right. We're not looking to make money off of the people in the community who need help the most.
This is why we started MaxMods, and our seasonal event, Santa's Little Hackers. We had a think, and came up with pure magic.

On Saturday, we had 70 people come together to modify over 150 toys. Some people had advanced experience, and some people had no experience in modifying toys. But, everyone had something to give, and they gave where they could. We had people show up to modify toys, sort toys, sign volunteers in, sew up toys, and even some cheerleaders encouraging people who were getting discouraged. Every one has something to give, and the volunteers who showed up at our Santa's Little Hackers event gave it their all.
Our organization is so new, we have been flying by the seat of our pants for this first event. We're learning a lot of what we'll do for the one, but have been exceptionally pleased with how well everything is going. We signed up to be a non-profit in the state of Colorado and yesterday got our confirmation letter back stating we are officially a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization! This is huge for us to continue the good work. We are so eternally grateful for all of the donations and support from our community. You all want to help this small part of our world that has so much to offer. You've given them and their families the joy of the holidays. They will get to share a toy with their loved ones, some of them for the first time in their lives because of your generosity.
If you would like to give a donation to continue our efforts, you can visit this link. (link inactivated)
Every dollar we raise is going directly back into the program to provide and send out the modified toys. We are hoping to expand what we can offer next year, and will rely on the donations of our community to do that.
Thank you all for giving.
Deana Watson
Santa's Little Hackers