Santa’s Little Hackers 2016 Toy Drive
Santa's Little Hackers is a seasonal toy drive to adapt toys. These adaptations make the toys accessible to individuals with disabilities so they can play independently. We make simple modifications to the electronics of toys and give them away.
Santa's Little Hackers is an annual event put on by MaxMods. MaxMods is a 501(c)3 not for profit corporation chartered to 'make the world accessible for all' by identifying adaptations and modifications to make the world work for individuals living with disabilities.
Links to retail wish lists and gift registries.
4. Walmart
Two Santa’s Little Hacker’s Toy Workshoppes are open to the public this year. These are the factory line events where the adapted toys are made.
10/22/2016 - Raleigh, North Carolina
12/03/2016 - Denver, Colorado
Information about corporate sponsorship needs and opportunities. Contact us for more information on Corporate Sponsorship opportunities.
We look forward to an incredible 2016 Santa's Little Hackers season with you!